This morning I rolled over in bed and looked at my wife.
I love her, and most of the time she's beautiful.
But this morning she was looking rough.
She woke up when I rolled over and said- 'I better grab one of the dollar store pregnancy tests from the cabinet and check before you head to Target and buy some plan B....then I'll get the kids ready for church and we'll go after you get back....'
5 minutes later she came back from the bathroom and said- 'Well, guess we don't need that pill....there's 2 lines.'
I tried not to panic. But we were not planning this baby- even though the night before was spent in sheer irresponsibilty....
I forced a smile, gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead, and told her I was excited.
For the life of me, I thought up until last night we had been 'careful'....which if course, for us, is definitely a GRAY AREA.
The next thing I knew, Jill was face down on the bed in a half sob, and mumbled: 'It's snowing today. We can't be expected to go to church on a SNOW DAY. Let's stay home, play with the kid,s and cuddle.'
So, we did.
Wish we had more snow days in Seattle...